This is the first of a planned series of volumes on the lineages of families that first settled in the Northern Neck of Virginia. Northern Neck is considered here to encompass the counties of King George, Lancaster, Northumberland, Old Rappahannock, Richmond and Westmoreland as defined in the colonial period. This work builds on the earlier efforts of authors, compilers and abstractors.
This volume centers on the following families of Westermoreland County: Abbington, Allerton, Allison, Ashton, Berryman, Blundall (Blundell), Bonam, Bowcock, Brinnon, Carr, Cash, Cox, Crabb, Davis. Davies, Downing, Dunkan, Earle, Elliott, English, Field, Ford, Frank, Garland, Garner, Gray, Harness, Harrison, Hasselrigg/Hazelrigg/Hasleridge, Higgins, Hobson (of Rappahannock, Westmoreland and Cumberland counties), Hornbuckle, Hudson, Vickers, Lancelot, Lane, McCarty, Markham, Marmaduke, Middleton, Minor, Moore, Mothershead, Moxley, Muse (Mewes), Newton, Omohundro, Payton, Peyton, Quisenberry, Rice, Roe, Rosier, Rust, Shropshire, Sutton, Veale, Wellington and Wigginton.
Holly G. Wright and F. Edward Wright
2005, 5½x8½, paper, 302 pp.
ISBN: 9780788439544