The geographic area covered in this volume is that place first occupied by English colonists in Virginia; that is, the area lying between the James and York rivers, and extending from Jamestown and Williamsburg to Fort Monroe. Ranging over the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries, the author touches on the history of the Native American village of Kecoughtan, Jamestown (including its tercentennial), Hampton, Williamsburg, Fort Monroe, pirates, slaves, schools, and the American Revolutionary War. This slim volume is a highly readable and engaging light history based on such original sources as Captain John Smith's writings, Hening's Statutes, and Strachey's History of Travaile into Virginia as well as scholars such as John Fiske and Philip Alexander Bruce. A map clearly shows the area covered by the narrative. Line drawings and photographs, some from as early as the 1860s, enhance the text and provide a visual contact with the past.
J. E. Davis
(1907), 2007, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 160 pp.
ISBN: 9780788422195