Kerrville Daily Times Obituary Books, 1986-2000, Master Index
Gloria C. Dozier
The Kerrville Daily Times began in late 1925 as the Kerrville Mountain View Times, and after a number of slight name changes over the years is published now under its current title. This is the master index to the obituaries which appeared in the Kerrville Daily Times from 1986 through the year 2000. The actual obituaries may be found in the archives of the Kerrville Genealogical Society in a series of books that were compiled by Gloria Clifton Dozier. Since Kerrville, Texas, is the site of a Veterans Administration hospital and a state hospital, as well as a large retirement community, these obituaries include information on people from all over the United States.
2006, 5½x8½, paper, alpha., 362 pp.
ISBN: 9780788435638