"The Georgia General Assembly authorized the creation of Montgomery County in an act signed by Governor George Matthews on December 19, 1793. … The county lay in the heart of the state’s vast virgin pine forests, and was inviting primarily to a hearty band of settlers who cherished the solitude that grows out of a low population density. … Most of the early settlers chose the area because the land was highly adaptable to open range grazing."
This book opens with a narrative history, which examines the beginnings of Montgomery County, early settlers, Antebellum growth, post-Civil War growth, growth of towns, the problem of crime and violence, and education and other matters, with notes and a bibliography.
The lion’s share of the book is devoted to genealogical material: deed abstracts, will abstracts, tax digests, Inferior Court/Ordinary records, newspaper abstracts, jury lists, miscellaneous records, marriage records, and cemetery records. A map of the county in 1805, a few vintage photographs, and a surname index to the narrative history and the unalphabetized sections of the genealogical material add to the value of this work. Alphabetized sections are not included in the index.
James E. Dorsey and John K. Derden
(1983), 2024, 6" x 9", paper, index, 304 pp.
ISBN: 9780788440854