The Essex Genealogist, Volume 10, 1990


This series collects the quarterly journals of the Essex Society of Genealogists into convenient yearly volumes. Essex County, Massachusetts, is a region of genealogical interest to many people across the country, and the Society's journal has been an important source of information for its subscribers since it was founded in 1981. Each volume contains articles related to Essex County or to genealogical research in general. Recurring highlights of the journals include the "TEG Feature Article," "It Happened in Essex County" (local history), "Crest and Shield" (heraldry information), "Tools of the Trade" (advice on genealogical resources), "The Ahnentafel" (family generational charts), "Research in Progress," "Ask TEG," "Society News," "Genealogical Queries," and original poetry.

The Society has created a new full name index for each volume. Just a few of the many articles in this volume include: "Research in New Hampshire," "Jacob Lurvey (1761-1853)...," "Two Coincidences Lead to Abbot(t) Family Connections," "Rooting Around Long Island," "Warnings Out in Reading," "The Beginnings of Lynn Re-examined;" Research in Progress: Leonard Harriman, John Ramsdell family, William Ivory family, "Heinrich Scherer, Hessian, alias Henry Sherer, Gardener," Tilton family, Henry Collins, Stocker family, Peter Twiss; It Happened in Essex County: "Frank the Firefighter," "Those People [That] Were Buried in the Friend's Burying Ground;" Miscellaneous: "The High Road to Scotland;" and Moments in History: "Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex Co." Other family names featured in this volume include: Adams, Enslow, Batchelder, Southwick, Sargent, Goulette, Coombs, Moulton, Ellis (Wise), Wyman, Brack, Gould, Hillman, Walcott, (Schatvet) Ullman, Robertson, Sutherland, Ladd, Hastings, Brown. Charming illustrations and maps augment the text.

Essex Society of Genealogists, Inc.

(1990), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 286 pp.

ISBN: 9780788405679
