My Mama Said: Wit, Humor and Reflections from an Extraordinary Depression-Era Woman


My mama used to keep a piece of stationery in her typewriter and whenever she would have a thought or remembrance she would go to her typewriter and type it out. I can remember as a small child and on through my youth that Mama would go and type something two or three times a day. When Mama died, I received a stack of her writings. I also inherited the old typewriter on which Mama typed out the thoughts and emotions that spilled from her heart. These writings reveal Mama's wit, humor, and good nature as well as her sad and more reflective moods--moods that we all have experienced and with which we can empathize. They also reveal a good amount of wisdom and advice. I hope that Mama's writings will help people understand themselves better. I know that they have helped me. --Lee Easton, Jr.

Lee Easton, Jr.

(2003), 2007, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 114 pp.

ISBN: 9780788424854
