The Portland [Maine] Transcript, 1869-1870, News and Summary, Marriages and Deaths


In 1866, a year after the end of the Civil War, the citizens of Maine elected a new governor, Gen. Joshua Chamberlain (1828-1914), a hero of the Battle of Gettysburg. This compilation of newspaper articles covers the dates April 3, 1869 to March 26, 1870. It was a relatively peaceful time for the people of Maine, who over the years had fought against the Indians, the British, the Canadians and even amongst themselves. However, long before Maine separated from Massachusetts and entered the Union as a state in 1820, people had been coming to this rugged land. Despite the harsh climate, they were able to make Maine their home. Some worked the land and others made their living from the sea. Fully indexed, these Portland Transcript articles contain information of genealogical interest, such as marriages and deaths. They also tell us much about the people who loved this land enough to settle on it, to live off it, and sometimes to die for it.


Elaine M. Fitch


2006, 5½x8½, paper, index, 164 pp.

ISBN: 9780788432729
