This genealogy encompasses the two main surnames and all of their various spellings: Joiner, Joyner, Le Joygnourm and Ryal, Royal, Royall, Royals, Royle, Rohle, Ryals, and Ryall, to name a few. Both the Joiner and Ryals families are traced back to England, and the history of the two families is given. Genealogical data are also supplied for the allied families of Adams, Cadwell, Carver, Clarke/Clark, Coleman, Eason, Harrell, Long, and Wright. This book is arranged in such a way that it is both quick and easy to find ancestors and descendants. The pages are arranged so that the biographical information is in paragraph form and the children are listed in chart form. The information follows a chronological format beginning with Thomas Joyner, Sr., born in 1619 in England, and Joseph Royall, born in England around 1600. Thomas Joyner, Sr. came to Virginia in 1635 and migrated to what is now North Carolina. Joseph Royall came to Virginia in 1622 and was at Charles Cittie in 1624. An everyname index is included. The author has participated in a large annual family reunion for 40 years. She compiled much of her information from interviews with family members, various publications, and census records.
Maxine E. Griner
(1994), 2024, 5½x8½, paper, index, 122 pp.
ISBN: 9780788401473