Visitation of England and Wales, Volume 20, 1919


Records genealogical information in the form of pedigrees starting in the mid-18th century. Pedigrees start with the grandparents of the principal person, and contain notices of all descendants of their name, often covering five generations. A significant amount of genealogical and biographical information is given for each person. Lavishly illustrated with portraits, silhouettes, signatures, and coats of arms.

Volume 20 lists pedigrees (from various counties): Acton, Addington (Baron), Alington, Arbuthnot (Baronet), Arbuthnot and Arbuthnot-Leslie, Arkwright, Aylesford (Earl of), Baker, Blofeld, Burrell, Bush, Challinor, Chevallier, Clive, Cobbold, Crispin, Curtler, Duddridge, Eno, Fanshawe, Fellowes-Gordon, Fry, Halsbury, Janson, Maughan, Morris, Mortimer, Newcastle (Duke of), Ransome, Reynolds, Rouse, Wagner, Whitmore, Wild, Wilshere, Wormald.

Joseph Jackson Howard and Frederick Arthur Crisp

(1919), reprint, 8.5" x 11", paper, illustrated, index, 226 pp.

ISBN: 9780788405921
