With a Plan of the Ancient Settlement, and of the Town in 1847
The design of the compiler of this work has not been to write a History of Norwalk; but to copy from the Records whatever matters appeared to be of any historical interest; and in all cases to let the Records speak for themselves. ...It was the compiler's design, strictly to limit these registers to the families of such as were married before the year 1800; but during his absence some names were forwarded directly to the printer; and among them a very few families of later date, which were inserted and printed before the compiler had an opportunity to correct the error. The author has included the town and land records, beginning in 1653; lists of early settlers; a table of original grants of home lots; records from the first Congregational society; brief histories of the other churches; citizen's reminiscences; and genealogical registers. An index to names, places and subjects adds to the value of this work.
Edwin Hall
1847, (1997), paper, 324 pp.
ISBN: 9780788406317