Land Grants in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, 1650-1704: South River Hundred


This book is a compilation of patent documents, in synopsis form, and drawings of tracts in the South River Hundred of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, from 1650-1704. It features 190 land patents, 168 tract drawings, twelve tract clusters, a tract index, an owner's index, and a people's index which includes relatives, servants, immigrants, associates, surveyors, and officials. The original land records and drawings were burned in the courthouse fire on October 17, 1704. The patents were re-recorded over a period of years following the fire but the drawings were never replaced.

Robert W. Hall

(2002), 2012, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 146 pp.

ISBN: 9781585497799
