Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682 [2 volumes]


Throughout this work, the main object has been to trace the settlements on the river from their commencement, and by them to show the character and circumstances of the different nations who, for seventy years, had possession before the arrival of [William] Penn; and the state of the country when he first appeared. The Dutch came first and settled originally at Fort Nassau. The Swedes followed and much fighting ensued between the two peoples. The English then came and ousted both groups. Arranged chronologically by year, with highlights noted in the margins, this book is an interesting read on the early times in Pennsylvania. Much early history on New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland is also included. Sources include numerous printed manuscript works. The author served as an editor of The Register of Pennsylvania and was a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

Samuel Hazard

(1850), 1993, paper, 2 volumes, 674 pp.

ISBN: 9781556138621
