Our Maryland Heritage, Book 13: The Miles Family


This work, the thirteenth in a series of books about Maryland families, investigates the Miles families of Montgomery, Prince George's, Howard, and Frederick Counties, and includes members of the family found in other regions of Maryland and abroad.

Following the custom of the earlier works in this series, the book begins with a look at the early history of the Maryland Colony and the formation of the counties, after which it discusses the earliest records of Mileses in the colonies and possible connections to the family lines discussed at length later in the text.

Chapter 2 is devoted to the descendants of Charles Miles, who died in Montgomery County c.1842. Charles fathered fifteen children, establishing the majority of the family lines dealt with in this text. Chapters 3 through 6 expand upon the lines of four of Charles Miles' children (Jemima Miles, James Hanson Miles, Elizabeth Miles and Charles Miles, Jr.) through several generations of descendants in both male and female lineages.

Information is included on a number of Miles families and descendants not associated with the aforementioned ancestors, as well as updates and newly discovered material pertaining to William Hurley's previous works: Our Maryland Heritage, Book 5: The King Families; Our Maryland Heritage, Book 12: The Browning Families and Neikirk, Newkirk, Nikirk and Related Families, Vol. 1. A bibliography of relevant sources is included as well as a full-name index. This book is indispensable to anyone researching Miles families in this area.

William Neal Hurley, Jr.

(1999), 2009, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 328 pp.

ISBN: 9780788411465
