The Great Salt Lake Trail


The Great Salt Lake Trail - Henry Inman. This remarkable book was written by Colonel Henry Inman, Late Assistant Quartermaster, United States Army, author of The Old Santa Fe Trail, etc. and Colonel William F. Cody, “Buffalo Bill,” Late Chief of Scouts. “Of the trials of the Mormons during their toilsome march and their difficulties with the government during the Civil War, this work will treat in a limited way, but its scope is to present the story of the Trail in the days long before the building of a railroad was believed to be possible. It will deal with the era of the trapper, the scout, the savage, and the passage of emigrants to the gold fields of California — when the only route was by the overland trail — and with the adventures which marked the long and weary march.” Topics include: Sir Alexander Mackenzie’s Expedition, The Expedition of Lewis and Clark, Captain Ezekiel Williams’ Expedition to the Platte Valley in 1807, General W. H. Ashley’s Trapping Expedition, Captain William Sublette’s Expedition in 1832, Trading-posts of the Great Fur Companies, The Morman Hegira, General Harney’s Expedition, the Mountain Meadow Massacre, The World-famed Pony Express, Colonel Cody’s Story, The Indian Tribes of the Salt Lake Trail, The Sioux Nation, Around the Camp-fire in a Trapper’s Bivouac, The Story of the Building of the Union Pacific Railroad, and much, much more. Numerous illustrations, a map of the Great Salt Lake Trail, and an index to names, places and subjects add to the value of this work. (1808), 2015, 5½x8½, paper, index, 556 pp. 

ISBN: 9780788426438
