The Fedual Barons of Powys


The Fedual Barons of Powys - Morris Charles Jones. In the early fourteenth century, King Edward II of England granted John de Cherleton and his wife the inheritance of "certain lands in Powys," to which they added more territory and carved a feudal barony. This text tells the tale of Powys, and tracks its barons from that early account of Cherleton to 1422, when "the barony fell into abeyance."

The history of Powys itself is detailed through the nineteenth century, and included are sketches of notable persons and "pedigree charts" for several of them. Excerpts from numerous documents (some related in the original Latin) spice up the reading and provide confirmation of facts. Chapters include: Cherleton, Lords of Powys (and Appendix); Grey, Lords of Powys; The Lords Tiptoft and Powys; and, The Abeyant Barony of Powys; followed by an appendix ("Proposal, Laws, and List of Members of the Powys-land Club).

(1868, 1994), 2016, 5½x8½, paper, 184 pp.

ISBN: 9780788401213
