The Yeaton Family of New England, 1650-1900

The author's research of his mother's family line led to this eight-generation family history. Richard Yeaton (c1650-1732) was the first to appear in New England. He was a fisherman on the Isle of Shoals by 1683. His sons first migrated to New Castle and Somerset, NH, later going to Maine and elsewhere. Information was compiled from vital records, town histories, probated records, land records, and private correspondence. Information on Yeaton research England is included in Part 2. While Richard's birth in England was not found, a mass of information was collected on people named Yeaton. The name was most prominent in the counties of Shropshire and Staffordshire. A small village named Yeaton is located in Shropshire. An everyname index, one for Yeaton names and one for other names; maps of England and the village of Yeaton; photos of houses in Yeaton, England; a pedigree chart and bibliography all add to the value of this book, which contains 1,500 names.
William Haslet Jones

1987, 2021, paper, 166 pp.

ISBN: 9780788407208
