The Janes Family: A Genealogy and Brief History


This comprehensive genealogy covers the historical aspects of the Janes family name and follows the family from 1610 to 1865. It follows the descendants of William Janes through nine generations.

The author gives "a simple line of narrative of the descendants of William Janes, following down through the different generations in the several branches, describing more or less minutely the character of persons whose names are well known to the public, having figured in their day, prominently before the world, and achieved more or less success upon the field of human endeavor, and also, shall speak of many others, less conspicuous, humble yet earnest individuals, of different generations..." The author's "concern is with the descendants who lived and acted in that brief space of time, from William Janes the emigrant, down to the present blessed era of freedom." The Janes family coat of arms is included. An index to names, places and subjects completes this work.

Frederic Janes

(1868), 2016, 5½x8½, paper, index, 428 pp.

ISBN: 9780788417382
