Researching an ancestor who served in the military during one of the United States’ many past wars can be exciting and, at the same time, beneficial in adding information to one’s family tree. However, War of 1812 research can, at times, be frustrating and overwhelming. Many researchers use the minimal number of documents in their applications when applying for membership in one of the many military-based genealogical societies. Finding the proper documentation on one’s veteran ancestor can be very rewarding.
Mr. Johnson has been successfully researching War of 1812 veterans, both his own and for others, for over twenty-five years. He has come up with a research plan which is simple and to the point. First and foremost, you must know in which military service an ancestor served, and when he and his widow (if applicable) died. This will determine what benefits a veteran was entitled to after the war. Most military land bounties were awarded after 1850, and service pensions were not granted until 1871. Many veterans and their widows were long dead before they could have received these benefits.
Understanding how each of the military services were organized during the War of 1812, how to avoid the myths and misconceptions of this war, knowing the ins and outs of the service records, and the benefit packages of each of the military services, will greatly increase your chances of finding missing documents. Mr. Johnson also covers War of 1812 research for prisoners of war and African-Americans.
This book contains a wealth of information on where to find books, microfilms, collections, and material on the War of 1812, which will aid when researching. There are numerous charts and maps plus facsimiles of actual documents which helps when researching your veterans.
Mr. Johnson is a lineal descendant of seven veterans of the War of 1812, and he is the past president of the Society of the War of 1812 in the State of Ohio (2008–2011). He is currently the District Deputy President General for the Great Lakes Region for the General Society of the War of 1812, and he has served as the Registrar General (2017–2023), the Archivist General (2014–2017), the Historian General (2011–2014), and the Vice President of Publications (2005–2011) for this society.
Eric Eugene Johnson
2024, 8½x11, paper, , 174 pp.
ISBN: 9780788428128