Amelia County, Virginia Order Books 17 and 18: June 1785 to March 1788


This volume contains a wealth of information about this period. The majority of cases dealt with property disputes and the resolution of debts and other obligations. Other types of records include the recording of deeds, wills, commissions for the building of bridges or roads, the binding out of orphans, charges of bastardy (typically giving the name of the child and BOTH parents), and the granting of licenses to run a retail store or an "ordinary" (an inn), or to preach or practice law in the County. Transfers of land needed to be certified by the County Court and are recorded in these records, even though the deed itself, with a complete description of the location and specifics of the property, was also recorded in the County Deed Book for that year. Many of the entries name the witnesses to the records, or provide other clues that will help place the named individuals geographically within the county, and will suggest possible relationships among neighboring families. Some of the entries even provide familial relationships.

Reiley Kidd, MD

2016, 8.5" x 11", paper, 352 pp.

ISBN: 9781680340679
