History of Sweetwater Valley, Tennessee


History of Sweetwater Valley, Tennessee - William B. Lenoir. "In this book can be found sermons and songs, humor and pathos, history and philosophy, geology and genealogy, and a great fund of information. If you do not find these, do not blame me. It is your deficiency, not mine." Thus reads the author's preface, in this unique history book of the great Sweetwater Valley. Mr. Lenoir presents many honest and compelling personal ideas in this book, which when mixed with factual history and myriad references to antiquity, classical literature and mythology, engulf the reader with colorful waves of insight rarely found in regional histories. Consisting mostly of biographical sketches of ancestors long forgotten, one comes away from this book with an intimate knowledge of many interesting personalities. First, the author gives some essential preliminary data, then goes straight into the history, where the reader learns all about the beginnings of the Sweetwater Valley through a series of stories. There is a chapter on races of man which tries to shed light on the conflicts of racism, and displays the prevailing attitude of this time period; the reader gets an unflinching view into the mindset of another era. Scores of biographies represent the main text, which ends with churches, schools, local Civil War skirmishes, a personal story about a horse thief, and a few pages of afterthoughts. Also included is a great new index. (1916, 1998), 2010, 5½x8½, paper, index, 442 pp.

ISBN: 9780788409042
