The Epps, Epes, Eppes and Epse families in the southern United States are believed to have descended primarily from Francis Epes, who came to Virginia from County Kent, England, prior to 1625. This branch of the family is especially difficult to trace because of the repeated use of the same given names, Francis, William, John, Peter, Richard and Thomas. This particular book traces the John Epps descendants who went to North and South Carolina, particularly Williamsburg County, South Carolina. Beginning with John Epps of Virginia, ten generations of Epps are followed down to the present time in this ambitious genealogy. Using a modified NGS numbering system, the entries include a vast amount of information from censuses, wills, inventories, and other records. For easy reference, the index gives each person's birth date (if known) and genealogy number.
Kathy Dodge Loyd
2004, 8.5" x 11", paper, 530 pp.
ISBN: 9781585499175