Embracing an Account of Many Important Events, and Biographical Sketches of Statesmen, Divines and Other Public Men and the Names of Many Others Worthy of Record in the History of Their County
A great deal of genealogical information may be obtained from this work, the bulk of which (about 475 pages) is dedicated to biographical sketches of ninety-seven prominent figures from the early history of the county and their descendants. Fifty-eight pages list soldiers who served in the Confederate Army; descriptions of service are given for many. Three hundred pages are devoted to history. Photographs and engravings enhance the text. The new index references every name found in the history of the county, the surname of each family listed in the biographical sketches, and the buried names found therein; the subjects listed in the original index are retained.
J. B. O. Landrum
(1900, 1991), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, index, 790 pp.
ISBN: 9781556135149