Births, Deaths and Marriages on California's Mendocino Coast, Volume 6, 1950-1959


Items from the Fort Bragg Advocate-News

This volume, the sixth in a series, chronicles the births, deaths and marriages from 1950 through 1959 in one of California's more remote and beautiful counties. Like the previous volumes, this is divided into three sections, each of which is arranged alphabetically. Birth announcements give the infant's name, weight, hospital, date of birth, and father's name and residence. Death notices give name and various other information such as: age, residence, occupation, names of family members, place of birth, and often the place of burial. Marriages are listed alphabetically by groom's surname, and include names of bride and groom, parents, minister and place of residence. Brides are listed in the fullname index under their maiden names. All sections include the date of the newspaper in which the notice appeared.

Mendocino Coast Genealogical Society

1999, 8½x11, paper, index, map, 428 pp.

ISBN: 9780788412899
