George Herbert's Kinships: An Ahnentafel with Annotations


George Herbert was born in 1593 and died in 1633; he received an M.A. from Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1616; was rector of Bemerton 1630-33; a poet, he wrote "The Temple" and other works in English and Latin; he married Jane Danvers, a cousin once removed of Herbert's step-father.

In this major new work, all discoverable ancestors of George Herbert are carried to the tenth generation. "The notes on each person give basic biographical information and details of interesting relationships. The work illustrates how close-knit a class the literary gentry was in Herbert's day by particularly noting his consanguinities with literary and religious figures. Important historical figures are numerous among Herbert's relatives [as well]. He has consanguinities with a broad range of notables, including ... American colonists, educators, explorers, generals, governors, political theorists, prime ministers, regicides, revolutionaries, royal favorites, and travelers."

Three indexes provide easy access to the wealth of material covered in this ahnentafel: Ancestor Indexes, Consanguinity Indexes, and Other Indexes. Fascinating — even if you're not related to George Herbert!

Edmund Miller

(1993), 2023, 5½x8½, paper, 190 pp.

ISBN: 9781556137938
