The Bucks County Recorder of Deeds began the Miscellaneous Docket series in 1785 to record various transactions other than standard transfers of real estate. However, despite the existence of the Miscellaneous Docket series, many miscellaneous transactions were randomly mixed in with the regular real estate transfers recorded in the regular Docket series. The abstracts of miscellaneous transactions recorded in the regular Docket series represent a significant addition to the prior two-volume series on Miscellaneous Deed Dockets. Each entry contains a summary of the transaction, the volume and page where recorded and the date of the transaction (which may differ from the date the transaction was recorded). Not all miscellaneous transactions were abstracted-the emphasis was on transactions containing information of genealogical interest. The most common type of transaction is the dower release. Other transactions include: powers of attorney, releases of executors and administrators, releases of guardians, and assignments of property.
Thomas G. Myers
2008, 5½x8½, paper, index, 426 pp.
ISBN: 9780788445552