The Mexican War: A History of its origin


The Mexican War: A History of its origin - Edward D. Mansfield. This detailed history of the Mexican War examines the conflict from numerous angles; from events leading up to the 1845 Joint Resolution and annexation of Texas to the United States, to the 1848 Treaty of Peace between the United States of America and the Mexican republic. The march of General Zachary Taylor's troops, Taylor's official reports, the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, the action of Congress and declarations of the President, the Campaign of the Rio Grande, the government plan to invade Northern Mexico, the expedition of Captain Fremont, General Scott ordered to Mexico, General Taylor's movements, the advance of the army to Lobos, the entrance of the American army into Puebla, the march to San Augustine, the Mexican line of defense, peace negotiations, the Siege of Puebla, and much more are discussed. "Those who have taken part in the stirring scenes which are described must have viewed them from different positions, and an honest difference of opinion in regard even to facts will sometimes be found to exist. But the description of the great movements and battles is based on public documents, despatches, and orders, which must ever be the material of a reliable history of a war." Excerpts from correspondence, such as the 23 August 1843 letter from Mr. Bocanegra (the Mexican minister of foreign relations) to Waddy Thompson (the United States minister in Mexico); maps and illustrations; and the 19 June 1848 Treaty of Peace add to the value of this work. Tables "show the number of regulars and volunteers, with the list of the commanding officers; the number furnished by each State; the total strength and losses of the army; the number of killed and mortally wounded in each engagement; and the names of the officers killed." (1849), 2012, 5½x8½, paper, 390 pp.

ISBN: 9780788447358
