Mosby's War Reminiscences and Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns

Mosby was a practicing attorney when the Civil War broke out, but he immediately enlisted as a private in the cavalry. He served in several capacities under J.E.B. Stuart and rose rapidly through the ranks. In this work he describes his service under Stuart down through the Battle of Gettysburg. Many letters by Stuart, Lee, and others are included in the text, and there are numerous explanatory footnotes. Mosby later achieved the rank of Colonel, and commanded his own regiment of irregular cavalry forces which harassed the Union forces in Northern Virginia with guerrilla-warfare tactics. At the end of the war he disbanded his partisan force, and never formally surrendered. He was pardoned in 1866, supported U.S. Grant for the Presidency and received several government appointments, including that of American Consul in Hong Kong.


John S. Mosby


(1887), reprint, 258 pp.

ISBN: 9781556136436
