Hiwassee Reservoir Cemeteries

Hiwassee Reservoir Cemeteries
James L. Douthat

The Hiwassee Dam and reservoir are located in Cherokee County, North Carolina and was started in the late 1930s. When the survey of the area was done, twenty-two cemeteries containing 1245 graves were found on the lands purchased by the T.V.A. It was found that only three of these would be flooded but ten others would be cut off by the flood waters. Therefore, 462 graves were moved to nineteen nearby cemeteries and agreements were secured for 109 graves to remain in their original location. All this work cost T.V.A. $10,900.00.

Example from this volume:

#6 - FARMER CEMETERY - Evidence of five very old graves were found in this cemetery. The cemetery is about 45 feet above the flood level and about 1600 feet from the relocated Joe Brown Highway. No other adjustment was made by the Authority. Here is a list of the five graves with no other data given.

paper, 91 pp.

ISBN: 978-0-7884-9342-3
