Compensated Emancipation in the District of Columbia: Petitions under the Act of April 16, 1862


Compensated Emancipation in the District of Columbia: Petitions under the Act of April 16, 1862 - Dorothy S. Provine. This book contains abstracts of petitions submitted by ex-slaveholders seeking monetary compensation for their slaves freed by the District of Columbia emancipation act of 1862. Under the original act and subsequent legislation, there were approximately 1,140 petitions relating to about 3,400 African Americans. A typical owner's petition listed for each bondsman his or her name, age, physical description, occupations, how title was acquired, and an estimated value. The author has also created an index to all persons named in the petitions. (2005), 2008, 8½x11, paper, index, 280 pp.

ISBN: 9780788431838
