The Third Virginia Regiment of the Foot, 1776-1778, With Flags Flying and Drums Beating, A History, Volume One


The 3rd Virginia Regiment, Continental Line included officers and men from a variety of disparate military organizations who fought for this country's liberty and freedom. Their courage, resolve and perseverance were typical of the troops who fought in the various theatres of the American Revolution. This two-volume series was written to honor and endorse the achievements of these brave men. Volume One conveys in detail the evoluion of the 3rd Virginia from Minute Battalions and independent companies organized to counter Lord Dunmore's attacks in the winter months of 1775 and early 1776. The structure and organization of the regiment is examined and its movement is tracked. The bulk of the book is devoted to skirmishes and battles, from September 1776 to June 1778. The author has drawn from contemporary newspaper accounts and letters from 3rd Virginia officers, some of which describe the battles in graphic detail. In October 1777, the 3rd Virginia sent twenty-three men as a detachment to assist Colonel Daniel Morgan's rifle company at Saratoga. An account of their participation in the conflict is included. Illustrations, tables, an every name index and a bibliography add to the value of this volume.

Joan W. Peters

2008, 6x9, paper, index, 280 pp.

ISBN: 9780788447549
