This book is an annotated index to the death certificates issued in Harford County, Maryland, from July 1898 through December 1918. Death certificate entries contain the name of the deceased, date of death, place of death, time of death (beginning in 1911), race, and age. The entries have been arranged alphabetically by the name of the deceased and other names mentioned have been cross-referenced, thus precluding the need for a separate index. There are over 8,500 death certificates indexed, including nearly 2,000 African Americans and many certificates for soldiers and civilians from other states who died at either Aberdeen Proving Ground or Edgewood Arsenal in the flu epidemic that spread from 1918 into 1919.
Names on death certificates were often illegible and information had to be gleaned by the author from local newspaper obituaries and tombstones. Dates and ages often differed. Therefore, information abstracted in this book has been annotated by the author with other data and comments inserted in brackets for clarification.
Henry C. Peden, Jr.
2017, 5½x8½, paper, 370 pp.
ISBN: 9780788457869