Deed Abstracts Belmont County, Ohio, Volume G (1817-1820)


This volume contains Belmont County, Ohio deeds recorded between 26 Jun 1817 and 20 Mar 1820.The information is given in the following general order: page of the deed book on which the document appears, date of execution, grantor (and wife) and residence; grantee and residence. Amount of consideration offered, land description, history of land, neighbors, if conveyed in fee simple, brief summary of payment arrangements, amount of land involved; the way the grantor(s) signed the document; names of witnesses; name of interviewer (and his office) who conducted the acknowledgment interview (and date of interview if date of document and its recording date are separated by more than six months); recording data.


Lorraine Indermill Quillon 

1998, 6x9, paper, index, 141 pp.

ISBN: 9781888265392
