The Pickens Sentinel: Favorite Newspaper of Pickens County, [South Carolina], Volumes 1 and 2


Records seldom found in other sources are available in this compilation of newspaper abstracts. Pension records for survivors and widows of the war of 1812 are given in full, Civil War units and their complement of men, names of battles and men wounded or killed during these battles, widows and survivors drawing pensions are among the valuable items offered. With the coming of the railroad, large numbers of area citizens migrated to Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. Accounts are given of life in these states and the return of a few people to South Carolina. These volumes also give abstracts of births, deaths, marriages, sheriff's sales, clerk of court sales, land sales, mortgagee's sales, final estate settlements, notices to creditors and debtors, and a variety of other valuable records that cover events in Pickens, Oconee, Anderson, Greenville, and Spartanburg Counties. Interesting accounts of crime, murder, lynching, bigamy, adultery, infanticide, moonshiners, and revenue officers are also given. The Clemson bequest to the state of South Carolina, the building of Clemson College and the new Pickens Court House are presented with pictures of Pickens County officials and a copy of an architectural engraving of Tillman Hall, Clemson College; the week-by-week account of the building of the new town of Calhoun is unique and informative. A full-name index adds to the value of this work.

Peggy Burton Rich

(1994), 2015, 8.5" x 11", paper, 2 volumes, index, 772 pp.

ISBN: 9781556139857
