Nathan Terriberry (1815-86) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, His Descendants, and Allied and Associated Families


David Joseph Riley became intrigued about the onomastics of Terriberry when he came across the names of Drs. Calvin and George Terriberry on several birth and death records of his wife’s ancestors. He started to research that family and learned that the earlier surname Durrenberger began changing to Terriberry about 1840−1850. A more pragmatic reason for choosing Terriberry was to expedite research on the family using a manageable search term. When the author began in the early 1990s, there were fewer than fifty “hits” for Terriberry on Google® — by 2017 there were over 133,000. A parallel explosion of information took place on genealogical websites. The wealth of information greatly enriched the narrative.

This work describes the changing lifestyles of the descendants of Nathan Terriberry as they evolved from nineteenth-century rural Americans to middle class urban dwellers. The author has included as much information as possible about spouses who often affect ancestors’ lives as much as direct ancestors.

Family members in this genealogy are numbered using the National Genealogical Society Quarterly system. Appendices, a timeline of Nathan Terriberry and his children, and an index to full-names, places and subjects add to the value of this work. Appendices include: Map of Junction, New Jersey, and Nearby Communities in 1873; Nathan Terriberry Homestead, Branchburg, Somerset County, New Jersey; Terriberry Lots; and, Pictures of George Hitchings Terriberry and Mardi Gras Float.

David Joseph Riley

2017, 8½x11, paper, index, 236 pp.

ISBN: 9780788457944
