Preliminary Inventory of the General Records of the Department of the Treasury: Record Group 56


"At the present time, the Department of the Treasury is headed by the Secretary of the Treasury who is assisted by a Deputy Secretary, an Under Secretary of Monetary Affairs, and an Under Secretary. The Deputy Secretary assists the Secretary in the supervision of the Department and acts for him in his absence. The Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs assists the Secretary and Deputy Secretary in all domestic and international financial and economic affairs. He is aided by assistant secretaries for international affairs; trade, energy, and financial resources; economic policy; fiscal activities; and the Treasurer of the United States…Many agencies with non fiscal functions have formerly been administrative units of the Treasury Department…Nonfiscal agencies remaining in the Treasury Department include the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Savings Bonds Division. The records described in this inventory consist of those in the National Archives of the United States as of June 30, 1974, that originated in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury and its subdivisions and those of smaller units performing services for the Department as a whole…This inventory is divided into three parts. Part I describes the correspondence of the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1789-1912…the central correspondence files of the Office of the Secretary, 1917-56; and the special correspondence files kept in the offices of some of the Secretaries, Under Secretaries, and Assistant Secretaries, 1931-65. Part II describes the records created in the administrative divisions of the Secretary's Office that date from the reorganization of 1869. Part III describes the records of the Chief Clerk, including the ones maintained in the office relating to the Government's participation in various international and domestic expositions."

Carmelita S. Ryan and Hope K. Holdcamper

(1977), 2024, paper, 168 pp.

ISBN: 9780788493553
