Essex County, Virginia Deed and Will Abstracts, 1692-1693


This volume contains records from Essex County, Virginia, Order Book, 1692-1693, beginning on page 1 through page 89, for courts held May 1692 through 11 April 1693. This volume also contains records from Deed and Will Book of Essex County, Virginia, July 1692-April 1693, beginning on page 17 (pages 1 through 16 are missing) through page 179, for courts held October 1687 through 10 April 1693.

Records generally include the full names of all persons involved in a variety of cases (debts, indentures, and much more). Transactions generally include the names of grantor, grantee, witnesses, and court officials; sum paid; description and location of property; date of transaction and date recorded. An every-name and place index adds to the value of this work.

Ruth and Sam Sparacio

(1991), 2020, 8½x11, paper, index, 124 pp

ISBN: 9781680340754
