A History of the Minisink Region


Which Includes the Present Towns of Minisink, Deerpark, Mount Hope, Greenville, Wawayanda, in Orange County, New York, From Their Organization and First Settlement to the Present Time; Also, Including a General History of the First Settlement of the County

As the title suggests, this book takes a historical look at New York's Minisink region and some of the towns that comprise it. In addition to histories of the towns mentioned in the subtitle, the book also includes chapters on: the origin of the name Minisink; the first recorded visit of a white man; the first settlement of Orange County and Minisink; church affairs; the war with the Jerseymen; incidents of the French and Indian wars; the Pledge of 1775 and its signers; Indian depredations; the first and second invasions of the Minisink region by Brandt's Indians and Tories; the Battle of Minisink; as well as other topics of interest for those with a love or curiosity for the history of the Orange County region. A new every-name index makes it easier to find those mentioned in the text.

Charles E. Stickney

(1867, 1995), 2011, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 220 pp.

ISBN: 9780788403293
