Abstracts of the Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland, 1760-1763, Libers 70-80


All probate records were required to be filed with the Prerogative Court of Maryland up until the year 1777. Inventories were taken if the estate had moveable property, with lists including things such as clothing, household items, occupational tools, and more. Some items in the inventory may offer valuable information on the descendant, such as his wealth, occupation, and lifestyle. The abstracts provided in this publication cover the years 1760–1763 and include information about the inventory, name of the decedent, deed references, county, amount cited in the inventory, date of the inventory, date of approval by the administrator, and the names of the appraiser, creditor, and next of kin. The author concludes this work with a full-name index.

Vernon L. Skinner Jr.

(1989, 1992), 2024, 8½x11, paper, index, 150 pp.

ISBN: 9781585495405
