Memoir and Official Correspondence of General John Stark


With Notices of Several other Officers of the Revolution; also, a Biography of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and of Col. Robert Rogers, with an Account of His Services in America during the "Seven Years' War"

About half of this highly sought-after work is taken up with correspondence, making it one of the best sources of documentary material about the Revolution and the French and Indian War. Anchored by the military accomplishments of John Stark, this book also details the careers of several other heroes of both wars. Includes the extraordinary memoir of Robert Rogers (1755-1761) during the French and Indian War, including the substance of his journal, published in London in 1765, with additional information obtained from correspondence and extracts from general orders. Other military men profiled here are Gen. Jacob Bailey, Gen. Joseph Cilley, Col. Marinus Willet, Maj. Caleb Stark (son of Gen. John Stark) and Capt. Phinehas Stevens. Shorter accounts are given of Thomas Burnside, Col. Philip Skene, Maj. Benjamin Whitcomb, Rev. Thomas Allen and Gen. Moses Nichols. The Stark memoir takes up about 300 pages; the Rogers memoir consists of about 100 pages.

Caleb Stark

(1877), 2007, 5½x8½, paper, indices, 528 pp.

ISBN: 9780788410888
