"Compared with the Original Book, 1741-1826, and, with exception of errata, typographically a literal transcript. Nothing has been added; nothing has been elided or destroyed; nothing is taken off by abstract. The transcription has been made verbatim et literatim." These transcripts paint a vivid portrait of life in this area during this era, providing a clear idea of the priorities and significant issues of the town and its inhabitants. A MUST-HAVE for anyone researching this area! Voted that Sebonak neck be opened for Sheep only by Elias White on Thursday the 31st of this instant October who is to attend and see that the Cattle be kept out. Names, dates, and places can be found in abundance within the transcriptions of land sales, grants of funds and land, payment for goods and services, municipal ordinances and the penalties for transgressions, boundary and fencing issues, restrictions on the harvesting of seaweed, and oysters, decisions regarding land usage, civil and business disputes, Common Land and Highway concerns, and much more. Addenda include the Gov. Andross' Patent (1676) and Gov. Dongan Patent (1686), Acts of 1818 and 1831, Important Decision on Southampton Town Lands, and the Beers-Campbell Decision. A new full-name index, in addition to the original subject index, is a bonus to researchers.
Harry D. Sleight
(1931, 2002), 2012, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, 468 pp.
ISBN: 9780788421563