Indiana Miscellany


Consisting of Sketches of Indian Life, the Early Settlements, Customs, and Hardships of the People, and the Introduction of the Gospel and of Schools; Together with Biographical Notices of the Pioneer Methodist Preachers of the State

The light-hearted narrative style of this work makes it an enjoyable and interesting read. The author covers a wide variety of topics including religion, education, politics, meetings, and the general pains and pleasures of life in early Indiana. This book is a tribute to the men and women of pioneer Indiana, and acknowledges their efforts and the hardships they endured. Sketches are included of the Hudson family, Mrs. Sarah Smith (orphan), Miss Patsey Odell, two bad characters, Christopher Roddy, and a man called Pitt. Moral Heroines and young optimistic adventurers, such as George Julian are described. Two of the political figures discussed are Joseph Chapman and Thomas Warpole. The religious flavor, which permeates this work, helps us understand the importance given to affairs of the church. Some of the religious figures mentioned are Joseph Williams, John Sell, James Haven, and Rev. Hugh Cull (a Roman Catholic who converted to Methodism). Some of the more talented and vivacious preachers mentioned include: Reverends Moses Crume, John Strange, John Gibson, Russell Bigelow, Allen Wiley, James Epperson, S. R. Beggs and his pious wife, Edward Brown, Isaac Owen, and Calvin Ruter. Several of the chapters follow one man through his original family, his faith, his marriage, children and finally death.

William C. Smith

(1867, 2002), 2008, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 312 pp.

ISBN: 9780788422294
