Naturalizations of Mexican Americans: Extracts, Volume 3


Volume 3 in this series contains a unique and detailed collection of extracts from 313 naturalization documents filed by Mexican immigrants between 1860 and 1950. The applicants came from several states in Mexico, and entered the United States through Texas, Arizona, and California. Extracts from these documents yield important details such as date and place of birth, last foreign residence, names of spouse and children, date and place of marriage, and more. Naturalization records also reveal the port of entry and the location of the district court where the documents were filed, which can direct the researcher to additional records of genealogical interest. Generally, but with some exceptions, the naturalization process produced three key documents: the declaration of intent to become a citizen, the petition for naturalization, and the certificate of naturalization. In the case of non-citizens, alien registration forms were filed, many of which can be as detailed as the naturalization documents. Information from all of these documents has been extracted for this series. The introduction also provides helpful research advice, relevant websites, and statistics on the book's contents. As Mexican immigrants assimilated into American culture, sometimes the genealogical information that linked them to their ancestral homeland became lost. This collection will help many Mexican Americans restore that link.

John P. Schmal

2006, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, alphabetical, 344 pp.

ISBN: 9780788441134
