Cemeteries covered: Alley, John B. Auxier, Auxier, Auxier Relocation, Bailey, Begley, Branham, Buckingham, Burchett and Hall, Burchett and Wells, Burchett, Burton, Butcher, Calhoun, Chaffins, Morgan Clark, Sammy Clark, Clark, Cline, Collins, Compton, Conn, Cornett, Crider, Davidson Mem., Delong, Dewey Reservoir Relocation, East Point, Fannin, Fraley, Frasure, Gearheart, Ike Gibson, Goble and Bradley, Goble and Crider, Goble, George Hackworth, Hackworth, Hager, Hall, Harless, Harris, Hatcher, Hatffield or McGuire, James, Johnson, Laferty, Leslie, Lowe, Martin and Ward, Martin, Tom Martin, May, Mayo, McGuire, Samuel Mead, Music, John W. Musick, Nesbitt, Osborn, Owens, George Pitts, John L. Pitts, R. E. Pitts, R. L. Pitts, Porter, Prater, Prewett, William Rice, Stephen Richardson, Wm. F. Roberson, Roberts, Robinson, Scalf, Setser, Shepherd, Simpson, Sizemore, Skeens, Smith, Snavely, Spears, Spradlin, Stepp, Stratton, Stricklin, Sutton, Tackett, Thompson, Unnamed, Vaughn, Ward, Wells, Wheelwright Town, Wicker, Wilson, Yates.
Joe R. Skeens
ISBN: 9780989992725