Early Records of North Carolina, Volume III: Loose Estate Papers and Related Materials 1712-1798


Prior to 1760, the Secretary of State for North Carolina had jurisdiction over probate matters; therefore, early wills and other probate records were filed with the Secretary of State's office instead of with the county. These papers were probates of wills and administrations of estates. Here are the author's readings of certain miscellaneous records from the Secretary of State’s papers. For the most part, these are lists of probates and of administrations turned in by the clerks of the extant counties. There are a number of complete inventories and other miscellaneous records. The dates on the records extend past when probate jurisdiction was turned over to the counties because of the length of time that it took some estates to be resolved.

Stephen E. Bradley, Jr.

(1992), 2009, 8½x11, paper, index, 172 pp.

ISBN: 9780788441448
