Upper Midwest German Biographical Index


From the Preface: "The purpose of the Upper Midwest German Biographical Index (UMGBI) is to provide access to German-American historical sources which focus on the Upper Midwest. This includes coverage of several states, including Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. It complements the Ohio Valley German Biographical Index and its Supplement, which provide coverage of other Midwestern states. Altogether almost 6,000 names are indexed in the UMGBI. "This index is arranged alphabetically, and after each name a symbol will be found which refers to the work, or works, where that particular name is listed. The amount of information varies from extensive biographical articles, biographical notices, obituaries, to brief references. The UMGBI facilitates access to these sources, and provides biographical indexing on a geographical scale to the German element in the area which is nowhere else available. Non-German names in the sources, it should be noted, were excluded from this index…. It is hoped that this work will be of assistance to all those who are interested in locating biographical references to German-Americans in the Upper Midwest."

Don Heinrich Tolzmann

(1993), 2013, 8.5" x 11", paper, 138 pp.

ISBN: 9781556138843
