"It has been the author's good fortune during the many years' residence in the Northwest either to come in personal contact with every phase of life here depicted or to know intimately those who had. The period or periods of history here mentioned are of great interest, fascination, and value because they show so well ‘history in the making' and afford splendid opportunities for dealing with ‘source materials.'"
"In this work we have sought to tell the larger story by a series of smaller ‘type' stories, each complete is itself yet an integral part of the whole. This is not done by making statements or deducing conclusions, but by giving facts sufficient to enable the reader to form his own conclusions; not repeating something, simply because it occurred at another time or place yet was not essentially different from what had been given."
"A large use has also been made of what may be termed ‘empirical' material, that is, material that will appeal to the child through his previous experiences; for the same reasons a large number of illustrations have been used. Last, but not least, the attempt has been made to make history real by allowing real persons to tell their own story, or if not to tell it, to supply the facts."
Chapters include: The Primitive Indian, The Fur Trade, Trails to the Pacific, Routes to the Pacific by Water, Missionaries, Immigration to the Oregon Country, The Oregon Country, The Development of the Oregon Country, Indian Wars, and Mining. A wealth of illustrations and an index to full names, places and subjects add to the value of this work.
Henry L. Talkington
(1929), 2023, 5½x8½, paper, index, 336 pp
ISBN: 9780788443886