Madison County, Tennessee County Court Minutes, 1821-1825, Volume 1


Beginning with a list of attorneys who practiced law from 1821 to 1825, this hefty volume is a virtual 'who-did-what' in pioneer Madison County. Included are court payments, construction permits, civil suits, business license applications, criminal cases, wills, estates, inventories, livestock brands, and names of jurors.

Since this book contains the complete transcript of daily court activities, the historian or researcher obtains a clear picture of day-to-day activities in pioneer Madison County, Tennessee

** During the Great Depression in the early 1900s, many Americans were given a "job" by the United States Government to support their family. One such "job" was transcribing early court, family, Bible, and cemetery records as well as other local records. Original versions were typed on onion skin paper with "x" number of carbon copies. Although the State Archives owns the vast majority of 'first' or typed copy, carbons have circulated for years but are now scattered. Often the typing is not the best and is difficult to read but these valuable records still constitute one of the best sources of information for Tennessee Counties. In many cases, these are all that remain of the original as many county records have been lost. WPA records are generally full text transcription: much larger in scope than an abstraction or summary.


Ordered that it be certified that Thomas LACY is entitled to three wolf scalps over the age of six months which he killed in the bounds of this county.

On motion and petition filed ordered that Duncan MC IVER have leave to erect a mill and dam on his land across Jonas Creek in the first range and ninth section of the ninth District in the County of Madison.

John GRACE -vs- DRURY & John BETTES: This day came the parties aforesaid by their attorneys and the defendant says he cannot gainsay the plaintiffs action against him for the sum of One hundred and ninety-eight dollars. It is therefore considered by the court .... (verdict).

The States -vs- Cutheredge ANDERSON: ... (((legal talk))) ... it is therefore considered by the court that the defendant make his peace with the state by the payment of five dollars fine and that the plaintiff recover of the defendant her fine aforesaid together with her cost by her about her suit in this behalf expended and the defendant be take, etc.

WPA Records

2023, paper, 278 pp.

ISBN: 9780788490798
