Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy focuses on the history and genealogy of the Tidewater Virginia counties of Caroline, Charles City, Elizabeth City, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Richmond, Northumberland, Warwick, Westmoreland and York will be explored. From Virginia; Caroline County Land and People; Jacob Burruss II, 1725-1778, Caroline County; Memorandum of Indenture, Henry Wyatt to John Hampton, 1712; Account Book of Samuel Godwin, 1687-1776. Nansemond County; Site of Reedy Meeting House Identified; Lancaster County Land Tax Records, 1782; Register of Free Blacks, 1810-18443, Essex County; Civil Appointments, 1783-1792, King and Queen County; Family Bible of Charles Catlett, 1844, Gloucester County; Will of William Allen, 1731, Elizabeth City County; Newspaper Gleanings Including Petersburg Corps of Volunteers, 1812.
Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis
1999, 6" x 8.5, paper, index, 68 pp.
ISSN: 1061-8678