Tidewater Virginia Families: A Magazine of History and Genealogy focuses on Tidewater counties lying north of the James River, namely, Caroline, Charles City, Elizabeth City, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Warwick, Westmoreland, and York. Each volume is perfect bound and contains complete name indexes to the contents of all four issues. The volumes contain a variety of records such as: Bible records, lists of marriages, abstracts of deeds and wills, military records, tax records and tithables, guardianship records, parish registers, tombstone inscriptions, and methodological essays germane to the Tidewater region, including tracing Virginia ancestors, county and parish formation, records pertaining to "burned counties," vital statistics, map collections, and places of note.
This volume includes John William Claiborne, 1621, The George to Virginia; Petition of Francis Makemie, Minister of the Gospel, 1689; Milden Presbyterian Church, 1888, Richmond County; Weems (Campbell Presbyterian) Church, 1889, Lancaster County; Finding Ancestors Through Land Ownership; Merchants and Mariners: The Slacum Family of Alexandria, Virginia; The Will of Mary Cunninghame, 1767, Gloucester County; King William County Land Tax Records, 1783; Henrico County Deeds, 1750-1774 (Deed Book, 1767-1774); Research in the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; Chandlers to Virginia, 1610-1700; Fielding Lewis to Colonel George Washington, 1775; The Terry Families, 1782-1832, King William County; Charles City County Land Tax Records, 1787; Richard Parrot to Charles Curtis Deed, 1683, Middlesex County; Desertion of Private Benjamin M'Dowell, Marine Corp., Richmond, 1813; A Theory About Three Ladies Named Dorothy: Smith, Debnam, Buckner, Peyton, Cammock; The Law Suit; Will of Hugh Watts, 1720, Middlesex County; Jail Escape, Caywood and Purcell, 1783; Will of John Lear, 1695, Nansemond County; Militia Fines, Hanover County, 1809; Will of Edward Bullock, 1753, Hanover County; Henrico County Deeds, 1750-1774 (Deed Book 1767-1774); The Presence of French Huguenots in the Colony of Virginia; Some Warwick County Records; A Theory About Three Ladies Named Dorothy: Second and Third Generations Smith, Buckner and Sterne; Some Convictions, Reprieves and Pardons by the Council of State and the Governor, 1782-1787; John Motley Bible, 1774-1828, Gloucester County; Will of Alice Corbin, 1791, King and Queen County; A List of Writts Issued and Ordinary Licenses Granted, 1758 Northumberland County; Will of James Seay, 1752, King William County; Henrico County Deeds, 1750-1774 (Deed Book, 1767-1774); Will of Edwin Motley, 1808, King and Queen County; Records of the Family of Samuel Chiles, 1785, Caroline County; Will of Kealey Stott, Charles City County, 1788; Chandlers to Virginia, 1607-1700, Part II; Finding Ancestors Through Land Ownership: A Correction; Analysis of Relationships Through Circumstantial Evidence in Burned Record Counties; The Legacy of Anthony Arnold: He Had No Kindness for Kings; Will of Henry Lyne, 1798, King and Queen County; Will of Elizabeth Taylor, Granville County, North Carolina; Chandlers to Virginia, 1607-1700 (Part III); Families of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1840, King George County; Will of Thomas Roane, 1799, King and Queen County; Philip Davis, 1784, Essex and Caroline Counties; Will of John Fauntleroy, 1794, Richmond County; John Woodson I, 1619-1644 and "Woodsons", Chesterfield County; Newspaper Gleanings, 1789-1790; Elizabeth City County Court Records, 1720-1721.
Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis
2004, 6x8½, paper, index, 272 pp.
ISSN: 1061-8678 [12]