Contents include:
Amelia - Tithables, 1738-1739, List of Insolvants, 1749, 1760
Bath - Amelia's Wedding
Botetourt - Fincastle 1773 Delinquent Tax Lists
Buckingham - Property Settlement of Robert Moseley
Charles City - Will of Ann Pierce, Will of John Rogers
Hanover - Merchant's Account Book, 1743-1744
Henrico - Record Book 2, 1678-1693
- John Williams' Will, 1766
Matthews - Land Tax Lists, 1791-1820
Powhatan - Ministers' Returns, 1786-1800
- Defense of the Western Frontier (continued)
- Downey Farm List of Indigent Freedmen
- French and Indian War Bounty Land Certificates
- Gills Family Papers
- Martin's Hundred
- John Mercer Land Book (continued)
- Legislative Petitions: The Ten Thousand Name Petition
- Allason Papers: Shenandoah Store Day Book, 1761-1763 (continued)
Virginia Genealogical Society
1997, 5.5" x 8.5", paper, index, 424 pp.
ISSN: 0743-8095 [35]